Each week a new person will continue the story as it was left by the artist featured previously. The story can go in whatever direction you fancy, be as far-reaching and imaginative as you want it to be. We only ask that you end your part of the tale in a way that allows for the next artist to carry on the narrative. Preferably not – “…and then everyone died. The End.”
The writing element doesn’t need to be very long, just a few lines if you fancy, just enough to move the story forward. If you want to write loads however, go for it! And if you want to include the writing in your illustration that’s absolutely fine as well.
We're not only after illustrators; if you're an animator, musician, writer, sculptor or just think that you have something to contribute, we'd love to hear from you. Also - if you've got a creative-minded youngster who you think would like to add to the story then definitely get in touch as well - all ages are welcome!
We're not only after illustrators; if you're an animator, musician, writer, sculptor or just think that you have something to contribute, we'd love to hear from you. Also - if you've got a creative-minded youngster who you think would like to add to the story then definitely get in touch as well - all ages are welcome!
Please send a link to your work or some examples if you would like to add to the tale. We’ll then get back to you to let you know whether we think your work is suitable for the project and when your week will be.
Please email:
- size, whatever you like – bear in mind it’ll need to fit onto an ‘A’ size canvas
- landscape or portrait format
- image resolution 300dpi
- your written story – either in the image or as separate text.
Remember – this is your story so it can be whatever you want it to be!
Thanks for your interest.
[17.02.2011 - Thanks for everyone's submissions so far! We're really pleased with the reception that the project is getting - so much so that we've got people lined up until July now! So please bear in mind when contacting that we won't be calling upon your services until some time after then and that we're not necessarily able to get back to all emails - we will definitely keep all details though! And most of all, keep submitting! Very excited for some excellent artists that are lined up in the coming weeks - hope you enjoy the project!]
[17.02.2011 - Thanks for everyone's submissions so far! We're really pleased with the reception that the project is getting - so much so that we've got people lined up until July now! So please bear in mind when contacting that we won't be calling upon your services until some time after then and that we're not necessarily able to get back to all emails - we will definitely keep all details though! And most of all, keep submitting! Very excited for some excellent artists that are lined up in the coming weeks - hope you enjoy the project!]